Privacy Policy

Last update at

Our Commitment to Privacy

  • Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to protecting your personal information and Privacy. This document governs our Privacy Policy and describes our online information collection practices and explains the choices you can make about the way your personal information is collected and used.
  • The terms "we", "us" and "our" refer to all website owned and managed by Partner Manager Bot. The term "user" "you" and "your" refers to website visitors, customers and any user of this website. Our Privacy Policy applies to all information collected through our website, Discord Bot, and/or any related services, sales, marketing or events (we refer to all these platforms collectively in this privacy policy as Partner Manager Bot).
  • Our Privacy Policy describes (1) The type of information that we collect (2) how we collect, use, protect, share and transfer your personal information and (3) your rights and choices respecting your personal information such as how you can access, modify and/or delete such information.

Information of users

We categorize the data we have access to through our application into the following categories:
  • On the discord
    • We collect your user informations (username, avatar, etc.) and your server information (name, icon, channel informations, etc.) and data arriving in server commands.
  • User payment information
    • We process this information depending on your payment method choice (bank card, PayPal, or cryptocurrency payment).
In order to analyse and improve our services, we also collect some aggregated statistics related to the use of our application. This information may include crash and error reports, as well as application usage analytics provided by Google Analytics.

How long do you store the data in the bot?

  • The data is stored by the bot as long as the bot is on the server. If the bot does not find your on all the servers, it will be stored for 1 month, and if you do not invite back the bot, it will be permanently deleted. If the bot is back on the server within a month, the data deletion cycle will be canceled and all data will remain.
  • Data deletion can be requested individually if there has been no subscription on the server in the last 1 year.

Scope of this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement applies to personal information we collect when you visit our Site. We may also collect information from you in other ways, including information collected during technical support contacts, on registration and check out forms, in person e.g. business cards), and from third parties. If we provide as eparate or supplemental notice when we collect personal data from you, that notice will control the extent of any conflict.

Privacy Policy end

Use of this Site, including all materials presented and all online services provided by all website owned and managed by Partner Manager Bot is subject to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all Site visitors, customers and all other users of this Site. By using this Site, you agree that you have read this Privacy Policy, understand the practices stated, and you agree to all terms and conditions. We have the right to change this Privacy Policy on the Site at any time without notice. In the event of a material change, we will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Site.